Shri Ram Mandir

You can help your temple by Sponsoring

Temple Major Events
Temple Utility Bills
Temple IT expenses  
Temple Supplies 
SRM Annual Calendar
Misc. expenses

Sponsor $2100 and above per year  
Your Name/Business information will be published as a sponsor on our website Homepage and also on our weekly newsletter  updates. 
Also you get a chance for a short talk on our major festival gatherings at temple.

Shri Ram Mandir is a non-profit organization under IRS section (501)(C)(3) with tax-exempt ID 26-3547343. Please consult your tax advisor for tax deductions.         You may also mail your tax-deductible donation check       payable to 'Shri Ram Mandir'  221 West Parker Road, Suite 470, Plano, TX 75023
Please Email us at [email protected]  for more information
man raising left hand, right hand on chest closed eyes standing outdoor under shade of tree during daytime